Apollo degree show        
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Welcome to the Apollo cohort degree show web site

We are the cohort of artists at University College for the Creative Arts, Canterbury, studying, part-time, for a Fine Art BA (Hons) degree that started in 2002 and will finish in December 2006

The artists

Email: Apollo Cohort

Cohort members pages


click the butterfly for the Catalogue

The Show willl be open to the public from 11.00 am - 5.00 pm everyday, except Sunday, from Saturday 9th to Thursday 14th December 2006

The Show will take place at the University College for the Creative Arts, New Dover Road, Canterbury, Kent, UK CT1 3AN

Click here for a map for how to find us

Enquiries about the Show to: info@apollocohort.org.uk

Enquiries about the University : Tel: +44 (0)1227 817302 or info@ucreative.ac.uk

Site design by blackvanilla (john corfield)